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Brazil and Tourism

Publié le par Philippe Josse

Brazil and Tourism

Brazil and Tourism

Beyond the clichés , the traveler will discover the human wealth of a country , the Northeast and its capital, Salvador de Bahia, fascinated by the Afro-Brazilian culture, brazilian culture is a reflection of one ethnic mix of the country. Samba capoeira

With many states and different landscapes, the largest country in South America offers more than a destination for tourists . Rainforest , Atlantic forest, pristine beaches , popular festivals , culture, there is something for everyone. Its beaches infinitely white sand at the Amazon forest , the lungs of the world; extreme poverty of the favelas to the upper classes of large cities , Brazil is no end to surprise you.

Tropical paradise, and synonymous with escape, cities whose body and soul music, and for nature lovers , who dream of going to visit the Amazon rainforest, the Pantanal or Iguazu Falls , plus
8 000 km of spectacular coastline .

Its inescapable carnival, Rio de Janeiro is the perfect embodiment of joie de vivre. The beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, made ​​by legendary singers of bossa nova and samba clubs of the city attract travelers from around the world.

The Brazil

Pedro Alvares Cabral discovered the Brazilian coast in 1500, and in 1825 , Portugal recognized Brazilian independence .

According to the Treaty of Tordesillas, signed in 1494 , under the auspices of Pope Alexander VI , all newly discovered lands to more than 370 leagues west of Cape Verde went to Spain , the others were assigned to Portugal. What is now half of Brazil and returned to Portugal. which is manifested by its official language , Portuguese, the language most spoken in South America.

Brazil is the largest and most populous country in Latin America. With an area of ​​8,514,876 km2 and a population of about 201 million, the fifth country in the world by land area and the number of people .. It covers half the territory of South America , sharing borders with all countries of the sub- continent except Chile and Ecuador.

The vast plateau of Brazil occupies a large part of the south and east . In the north region of the Amazon rainforest , the elevations are lower , and low population density .

The rainy season runs from November to May , with particularly heavy rains in the northern forests . The south, meanwhile, experiences hot summers and cold winters the climate is slightly tempered by the sea

North and North east

Much of the territory is covered by virtually empty of human beings rainforest in the state of Pará, in the west, and twice in the Amazonas . The two main cities, Belém in Pará and Amazonas in Manaus , located along the Amazon

The Amazon is the largest biological reserves , and approximately one-tenth of the world's living species. , The forest protection and respect for Indian lands are neglected by the Brazilian government , as evidenced by the construction of the dam Belo Monte. causing a serious deforestation.

Brazil is one of the richest biodiversity in the world by country : it belongs to the group of seventeen mega diverse countries. Tropical lowland forests , mountains and subtropical savannas , pampas , marshes and coastline offer many ecological niches thousands , and perhaps millions of species, partially identified.

More than six hundred species of mammals are present in Brazil , many of the cat family , like the jaguar, puma and jaguatirica or ocelot .

The West Centre

This region is sparsely populated, and includes, in the extreme east , Brasilia, the country's capital since 1960 , agricultural activity is expanding and causing significant deforestation . It is in this region that is part of the Brazilian Pantanal , the largest wetland in the world, and one of the regions of the world with the highest biodiversity.

The south and south east

Consists of medium-altitude mountains in its northern part, and vast plains called pampas , in its southern part , the region , the humid subtropical climate , is the only region that does not have a warm climate throughout year

This is the most urbanized and industrialized region , with three important cities : Rio de Janeiro , Belo Horizonte and São Paulo. It is south east of the country

Rio de Janeiro is the former federal capital and the capital of the State of Rio de Janeiro. It is located in one of the most beautiful bays in the world , dominated by the Sugar Loaf, and the statue of Cristo Redentor ( Corcovado ) , perched at an altitude of seven hundred meters.

Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
Brazil and Tourism
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